باسمه تعالی
Because the density of pure ice is about 920 kg/m³, and that of seawater about 1025 kg/m³, typically only one-tenth of the volume of an iceberg is above water. The shape of the underwater portion can be difficult to judge by looking at the portion above the surface. This has led to the expression "tip of the iceberg", for a problem or difficulty that is only a small manifestation of a larger problem.[+]
می خواستم یه مطلب بنویسم، بگم که باید کمتر نوشت. بگم که خوب ه که ننوشته های آدم زیاد باشه. بعدش می خواستم از کوه یخ مثال بزنم.
خب الحمدلله خلاصه شد. فقط کافی به جای problem بذارین آدم، شخصیت یا مرد.